Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi: Mastering the Rules, Examples & Exercises

3 min readMar 6, 2024


Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi: Mastering the Rules, Examples & Exercises

Understanding the Essence of Active and Passive Voice in Hindi

In the realm of linguistic mastery, delving into the intricacies of Active and Passive Voice in Hindi opens up a world of expression and precision. To harness the power of these grammatical structures, one must first comprehend their fundamental rules and nuances.

Unveiling the Power of Active Voice

Active Voice Defined: In an active sentence, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. It embodies clarity, directness, and an assertive tone. For instance, “Rohan writes a compelling article.”

Rule 1: Subject-Verb-Object (SVO): The basic structure of an active sentence follows the Subject-Verb-Object order, contributing to straightforward communication.

Rule 2: Emphasizing the Doer: Active voice places prominence on the doer of the action, adding vigor to your narrative. This clarity resonates well with readers.

Navigating the Intricacies of Passive Voice

Passive Voice Unveiled: In contrast, passive voice shifts the focus from the doer to the recipient of the action. It is formed by using a form of “to be” along with the past participle of the main verb. For example, “An engaging article is written by Rohan.”

Rule 1: Object-Verb-Subject (OVS): Passive voice adheres to the Object-Verb-Subject order, providing an alternative perspective to the narrative.

Rule 2: Emphasizing the Receiver: Passive voice excels in spotlighting the recipient or the affected party, injecting a sense of mystery or formality into your prose.

Examples Illuminating the Dichotomy

Active Voice Instances

  1. Simplicity in Clarity: “The chef prepares a delectable feast for the guests.”
  2. Inspirational Tone: “Leaders inspire their teams to achieve greatness.”

Passive Voice Instances

  1. Elevating Formality: “A masterpiece was crafted by the renowned artist.”
  2. Shifting Focus: “The solution will be implemented by the skilled technicians.”

Engaging Exercises for Proficiency

Active Voice Exercise

Transform the following sentence into active voice: “A captivating story was narrated by the author.”

Solution: The author narrated a captivating story.

Passive Voice Exercise

Convert the following sentence into passive voice: “The diligent students completed the challenging assignment.”

Solution: The challenging assignment was completed by the diligent students.

Mastering Active and Passive Voice in Hindi: Key Takeaways

As you navigate the realm of linguistic expression, mastering both active and passive voice in Hindi enriches your communication toolkit. The choice between them hinges on the tone, emphasis, and perspective you wish to convey.

Crafting Impactful Content for Enhanced Communication

In professional writing, whether for academic endeavors or business communications, utilizing active voice contributes to a clear and assertive message. Readers are effortlessly guided through the narrative, absorbing information seamlessly.

Infusing Nuance through Passive Voice

On the flip side, harnessing passive voice adds depth and formality to your prose. It’s an invaluable tool when emphasizing the receiver of an action or when aiming for a more sophisticated tone.

Elevating Your Language Proficiency

To elevate your language proficiency, consistent practice and application of these principles are crucial. Embrace the diversity that active and passive voice offer, allowing them to shape your communication in a nuanced and impactful manner.


In conclusion, the mastery of active and passive voice in Hindi empowers you to navigate the nuances of expression with finesse. Whether you choose the assertiveness of active voice or the formality of passive voice, understanding when and how to employ each enhances your communicative prowess.

Active Voice & Passive Voice




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